Parishes can help couples connect in Marriage & More Small Groups
Let us know if you would like more guidance on how to bring the Celebrate Catholic Marriage Experience and Marriage & More Small Groups to your parish.
Email Zip Rzeppa and the Mater Media Celebrate Catholic Marriage Team at:
TEAM UP and form a CCME Marriage & More Small Group. Gather 3 - 4 other couples to share your marriage journey together. Marriage isn’t easy. Gather some friends for inspiration, support, shared stories, laughter, prayer, encouragement, and fun!
It's easy to get started!
Download and print the info sheet below.
Gather your group and do it!
WHAT IS IT? The CCME Marriage & More small groups are 3 - 4 couples who often have completed the CCME 7-Day Journey to Joy. A parish can facilitate couples connecting, but individual couples can gather a Marriage & More small group on their own. It’s up to the couples themselves to plan food and drink, times to meet, etc. The couples keep it going.
WHY DO IT? For most married couples, it is VERY difficult to take time to cultivate the health and strength of their relationship. This problem is accelerated the more isolated a couple feels from other married couples. CCME Marriage & More small groups help married couples who fight for their marriages to prevent natural or spiritual forces from pulling them apart.
Marriage & More Small Groups offer STRENGTH for your Marriage Journey
"Being in a small group helps us know we are not alone - no matter what happens in our lives!"
Catherine, Ballwin, MO
"We have done Marriage & More small groups for 20 years...and we LOVE it! "
Jennifer, St. Louis, MO
"I like the way we can share a great time together with food, fun and meaningful conversations."
Bill, Manchester, MO
Marriage & More Small Groups help Catholic Couples cultivate happy marriages, anchored in strong faith, that can inspire future generations.
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